wine and poetry

wine and poetry

01.诗吟一首两首,酒饮三杯五杯。—— 刘学箕02.一首情词,一首情诗。—— 唐寅  《一剪梅·雨打梨花深闭门》03.因倾一樽酒,题作杜秋诗。—— 杜牧  《杜秋娘诗》04.歌以咏言,文以骋志。—— 曹植  《学官颂》05.酒至添愁饮,诗成和泪吟。—— 陈季卿  《别妻》06.天性由来好诗酒,讽咏杯铛不离口。四集诗编“读白华”,一区寓室名“香韭”。—— 林占梅  《客有自程乡来,云黄香铁》07.诗,可以兴、可以观、可以群、可以怨。—— 孔子  《论语·阳货...

2023-08-19 71 0
rr poet wine

rr poet wine

1.Wine is my passion. I'm not keen on the snobbery or elitism of wine, that's not what it's about - I just really enjoy it.—— Mick Hucknall2.My husband and I do love a really great red wine.—— Margaret Brennan3.Walla Walla is where I make wine, wit...

2023-08-19 87 0
red wine poem

red wine poem

01.Wine is bottled poetry.—— Robert Louis Stevenson02."[Wine is] poetry in a bottle."—— Clifton Fadiman03."If I could tell you about RedI would sing to you of fire Sweet like cherriesBurning like cinnamon Smelling like a rose in the sun"——...

2023-08-19 90 0
poetry in a bottle wine

poetry in a bottle wine


2023-08-19 118 0
wine poetry quotes

wine poetry quotes

01.酒能使人出语轻快,酒更能使人一吐衷情。—— 康德  《实用人类学》02.诗人们把语言说成是甘露,大加赞扬,岂不知语言中也有毒液。—— 阿基兰  《画中女》03.真正有力的文艺作品应该是上口温醇的酒。—— 茅盾  《力的表现》04.酒会使嘴轻快,但酒更会打开心灵的窗子。因而酒是一种道德的,使人吐露心腑的东西。—— 康德05.酿酒时以秋天桂花围塞,酒成之际,桂香袅袅,直似天品。—— 林清玄  《灵性深处开莲花》06.诗有出典,给识货人看了,愈觉得滋味浓厚,读着一首诗就联想到...

2023-08-19 91 0
love and wine poem

love and wine poem

01."The Wine of LoveThe wine of Love is music,And the feast of Love is song:And when Love sits down to the banquet,Love sits long:Sits long and ariseth drunken,But not with the feast and the wine;He reeleth with his own heart,That great rich Vine."——...

2023-08-19 90 0
wine is a bottled poetry

wine is a bottled poetry

1."Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine, so that I may wet my mind and say something clever. —Aristophanes, Greek comic poetc. 450-385 BCE"—— Tom Standage  "A History of the World in 6 Glasses"2.Wine needs to have a context in a social g...

2023-08-19 109 0
the wine poetry

the wine poetry


2023-08-19 112 0
omar khayyam wine poem

omar khayyam wine poem

01.Wine is bottled poetry.—— Robert Louis Stevenson02."I need a jug of wine and a book of poetry, Half a loaf for a bite to eat, Then you and I, seated in a deserted spot, Will have more wealth than a Sultan's realm. – Omar Khayyam"—— Robert Skid...

2023-08-19 147 0
wine is bottled poetry

wine is bottled poetry

01.诗吟一首两首,酒饮三杯五杯。—— 刘学箕02.因倾一樽酒,题作杜秋诗。—— 杜牧  《杜秋娘诗》03.酒至添愁饮,诗成和泪吟。—— 陈季卿  《别妻》04.葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催。—— 王翰  《凉州词》05.天性由来好诗酒,讽咏杯铛不离口。四集诗编“读白华”,一区寓室名“香韭”。—— 林占梅  《客有自程乡来,云黄香铁》06.颂酒有德,以酒为名。群豕每同饮,五斗乃解酲。寓情广陵琴,感旧山阳笛。—— 丘浚  《竹林七贤图》07.葡萄酒,色如乳。—— 陈...

2023-08-19 121 0